

Get Hired: The Ultimate Playbook for Landing Your First Job in College

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What’s up, Gen-Z Comrade! As you navigate the twists and turns of campus life, there’s another adventure waiting for you: landing your first job. Whether it’s a part-time gig, an internship, or preparing for the post-graduation hustle, getting job-ready is a game you can totally win. Let’s break down how you can stand out in the job market while still rocking your college life.

1. Skill Up:
Classes are cool, but the real world often asks for more. Dive into online courses, attend workshops, and pick up skills that align with your career interests. Whether it’s coding, design, marketing, or anything else – being a skillful multi-tasker is a surefire way to get noticed by employers. A simple Google search is a sure way to link you to opportunities related to pursuing online courses in various subjects or even keep you abreast with the upcoming workshops and events that are aligned with your interests.

2. Build Your Brand:
We live in an era when someone’s personal brand simply means that one is an influencer. However, it is worth noting that personal branding isn’t just for influencers. A good starting point would be to create a LinkedIn profile that shines. Other simple actions to help you build your brand would entail jazzing up your resume, and maybe even start a blog or portfolio to showcase your work. For instance, if your are proficient in coding, your Github would stand out as your portfolio to showcase your milestones in your coding journey. Additionally, if you are a photographer, having a web platform with some of the best photographs taken by you would help sell your skills to prospective clients. Those are just a few examples. Remember, your online presence is your digital handshake – make it count!

3. Network Like a Boss:
By now, it may almost sound like cliché to remind you that your network is net worth. However, while at it, remember that your next opportunity might just come from someone you meet at a campus event or through a LinkedIn connection. These days, X(formerly Twitter) is becoming a notable site whereby individuals from certain career circles are getting connected to their future employers. Remember that your online presence matters. It would be vital for you to carve out yourself as a prudent individual seeking to serve your employer or client effectively by sharing information that portrays you as such. Back to the offline means of networking, it would be vital to attend career fairs, join student organizations relevant to your field, and also don’t hesitate to reach out to professionals for advice or informational interviews.

4. Gain Real-World Experience:
Internships, part-time jobs, or volunteer work in your field of interest can be golden tickets to building experience. They’re not only resume boosters but also give you a taste of the real world, helping you apply what you learn in class to actual work scenarios. A good way of landing these opportunities would be to scheme through your potential employer’s website or actual workplace and identify areas that need strengthening. After that, offer your value proposition (sell yourself and your skills) by indicating to them what additional value you would be bringing to the workplace, and with that, you’ll be increasing your chances of landing a permanent job in the long run.

5. Master the Art of the Hustle:
Got a business idea or a freelance gig in mind? Go for it! For instance, you could be good at baking. As a means of actualizing your hustle, it would be prudent to offer to supply the campus tuck shops with your unique cakes. Just negotiate well with the attendants to give you a space to supply your cake, and be good at monitoring your time between class and other activities. Before you know it, you’ll be on your way to having a fledged income generating activity. Remember, the experience of starting something from scratch teaches invaluable skills like time management, negotiation, marketing, problem-solving, and resilience – all big pluses for potential employers.

6. Stay Curious and Informed:
Keep up with industry trends, follow thought leaders, and stay informed about the world around you. These days, it is common for employers to question you about the current trends. For instance, in the present day and age, Artificial Intelligence (AI) continues to impact our lives in immense ways and therefore it would be prudent for you to learn something about it. It wouldn’t be surprising for you to be asked basic questions about AI and how you would apply it in your job role while facing an interview panel. There are other subjects worth following up on that you can easily be asked a question or two about with your future employer. Remember, employers love candidates who bring fresh ideas and perspectives to the table.

7. Craft a Killer Resume and Cover Letter:
It’s common for employers to ask for a resume or Curriculum Vitae (CV) and cover letter from applicants. Fundamentally, your resume is your highlight reel, and your cover letter is your personal pitch. Tailor them to each job you apply for, focusing on how your skills and experiences align with the job description. A common mistake that most applicants make is to submit the same resume/CV and cover letter for different job roles. Let me tell you, it doesn’t work that way. Remember, quality over quantity!

8. Ace Your Interview Skills:
Interviews can be daunting, but practice makes perfect. You win some you lose some. The more you apply for job roles that fit your skills, the more you increase the chances of getting hired. As a start to effectively improve your interview skills, it would be prudent to research common interview questions, rehearse your answers (but keep it natural), and maybe even do mock interviews with friends or mentors. And always, always have questions ready for the interviewer – it shows you’re engaged and interested.

Landing your first job as a college student is all about being proactive, resourceful, and resilient. It’s about building skills, connections, and experiences that set you apart. So, gear up, get out there, and show the world what you’ve got. Your first job is just the beginning of an exciting career journey. Ready to make your mark?


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